One more day to spill on….and so I keep writing 🙂

I was there because suddenly life had presented me with Life~

Paulo Cuelho

It’s breakfast, final day. Departure is 8am and my bags are in the car. I plan to hike one more time, then begin the drive back~

I’m leaving full of joy. I take special note of this, rolling my senses around this word not so widely used; joy.

Are not our days and hours our response to what we have felt?


Joy runs deeper than happy; it is something that comes from a secret well, down deep. Somewhere where it’s always been bubbling, but not always recognized or drank from.

I get to.

Over oatmeal and green tea, I can’t help but smile. I came here for something. I knew deep down when I booked, each day preparing to embark, that I was going to get something from this time. Now I know this sense came from the bubbling up of this joy-well, setting the stage. 

It is first experienced, then thought, then the thought deepens again-into life. All her life the content of her vision was penetrating her through and through.

Merton, on Julian of Norwich

On this last hike I finally realized why I’d been smelling garlic every day I’ve stepped onto the trails. The pointy green shoots peppering the pathways are wild garlic. I kick and swing through their tops and this brushing swirls the aroma into the air around my steps. 

I may never experience garlic the same again. It has intermingled the joy-well sensations of this final morning and given off the full spectrum of sensory experience. My eyes filled with the fog-drenched sunrise, my body misted with the touch of this same dampness, my ears full of the sound of moving woods, and now my nose and mouth entreated by this swirling scent. The final sense? Soul-stirring-alive knowing. Something deeper than words and richer than smell or sound or color or texture. 

I am alive.

I get to.

in love.
