Transformative education is not asking you to believe or disbelieve in any doctrines or dogmas. Rather it is challenging you to “Try this!” Then you will know something to be true or false for yourself.

Richard Rohr


As part of EncaustiCamp 2016, the EncaustiColony will include new instructional opportunities as a way of recognizing the growing experience and unique talent of attendance. Through multiple mini workshops offered morning and afternoon each day, EColonist can choose to indulge in new knowledge or remain in studio. This format will broaden the options and choices one can indulge in during this week of wonderful waxiness!

To get the best of these talents EncaustiCamp will send a call for submissions to previous and 2016 attending EncaustiCampers for presentation and mini workshop proposals. A team of reviewers will work through what I know will be a wide and deep collection of opportunities to select the best and most varied techniques from which 2016 attendees can choose.


Look for more information and opportunity to register closer to EncaustiCamp 2016~

in love.
