Sometimes a fall is part of the plan all along.

worn shoes, weary heart and listless mind.

One year ago today I returned from Australia.


The more expectations we carry in the less we can pick up along the way~

One year ago today my fingers began to unfurl spilling







One year ago today I began a journey that started long before the trip to Australia.


Even when we don’t desire it, God is ripening~ Rilke


I suspect this too is part of the plan all along.

Keep seeking.

like Abraham, a beautiful community formed in the desert of my searching.

souls exist in far away cities I can reach out and touch.

who reach out and touch me.

these did not exist before dissolving my comfort zone~


my need of God is absolutely clear.


I was able to pick this up and carry it back home:

The world is alive,

ALIVE to me 


Periods of dislocation open us to the realization that we need connection.


alive to you.

go out.

come back.

let all that’s in between out and back be.

I left behind parts that feel like dying

and I have.

We all have.

let what remains live-


so we can be picked.

in love.



Oh the places we would pour ourselves over,
push into the meager surfaces
all the impulses of our heart, our desire, our need.
To whom in the end do we offer ourselves? Rilke