

   Reach more, teach more, inspire more~

EncaustiCamp is in process!

Having wrapped up an amazing 10 year run in 2022 (delayed, thanks to Covid), I am reformulating so as to bring it back in 2026 with an entirely new format in two locations.

Stay tuned!

And if you’d like to express interest, please form-fill below and I will make sure you are on the first-alert list.



EncaustiCamp expression of interest

Add yourself to the list of interest for any forthcoming information about EncaustiCamp coming in 2026!

Venue: Dumas Bay Centre, Seattle, WA

From 2010-2022, the most magical place for one waxy week in July~

Generous donations from Enkaustikos helps make all the amazing waxiness possible! Gratitude for these ten years of collaboration and support can not be expressed enough.

Thank you Mike Lesczinski and your entire team~

Thanks also goes to Ampersand Art and R&F paints
Without these amazing businesses, run by generous, dedicated, craft-conscious people, EncaustiCamp and even encaustic itself, would not be what it is today; a dynamic, inclusive medium, available to all.
PanPastel, Golden Paints, Daniel Smith Art, and Jacquard Products have also been a part of ECamp over the years and thanks goes out to these companies for not just their support, but their spirit for the art, as well.