
you must make yourself in words in paint in bronze in silk in dishes with lids in fluffy sweet rolls in walls in floors in carpets in bed linens before you can make anything else.

the world begins

at the edge of the sheets where the arms break free and stretch to the new dawn the world begins in the moment where dark meets light~

divine power shared power~

The law of personhood is that the only way one ‘has’ oneself at all is by giving oneself away~ catherine mowry lacugna   What is confidence exactly and where does it come from exactly? I don’t mean the kind of confidence that stands in front of...

the web and weave of merciful~

Things that need no explanation and perhaps have none, but which say: ‘Here! This way!’ and with final authority. It is for them that I will be held responsible. They lead further and further in that direction that has been shown me and to which I am...

eat wonder all day~

How can you bend your startling tools in new ways? brian doyle Day three teaching begins today. Day two went down quickly in a blink of an eye. Responsible for dolling out, not getting filled with-I want to resist judging my own created space- resist calling it so...