I cried at breakfast

‘shhh, it is nothing’ I cried at recess ‘shhh no need for such carrying on’ I cried at bedtime ‘you must control yourself’. [….] 50 years now they are telling these emotions they make the me.          ...

why I

why I don’t go to a building named ‘church’ no need to care; this is just something I want to share. I believe God is there, don’t get me wrong but I have a hard time finding Him when I put on my Sunday best, do up the hair and walk through the...


long, long ago humans came together around one common interest, God, and began to call this ‘church’. now, humans come together around one common interest-be it job, family, craft, hobby, passionate endeavoring. No matter the ‘what’, we come...

I am leaving

I am leaving Australia for the last time again. Life would be unbearable if we made ourselves conscious of it. Fernando Pessoa I let myself this time see it Australia life. It was unbearable it is So vibrant  so pulsing so vivid and alive life. I had to stop...