471: a good conversation

I feel over taken taken over her voice carries over and under through any word or tongue tap I try to take I have had strong things good things worthwhile things enter my head my heart can tell stories assist on this way through I have had conversations joint...

470: a mother

how to know a person even the one closest you don’t really isn’t in the seeing as if the form is the The it is in hearing and being heard we know this of course this is just a reminder long overdue


the greatest thing a person can do take lessons these life experiences hard knocks surprises mundane and grandious realities of life refine one’s own consciousness to encapsulate them hold them gently redefine the world through this refining to hold more...

469: beauty

Is beauty a value I see my connection to mother in this I seek to spend my life reaching after beauty she too though only found in the mirror I jump planes turn keys hit roads trip into the unknown with delight if not a little trepidation for who knows if what I seek...

468: that

Joan Acocella and Helen Garner Beauty, by appearing plain and natural, gives us hope that we too can be beautiful I resolve to spend the rest of my life reaching for that point where surely nature and art by human hands this aesthetic meets morals...