by pbsartist | Jul 24, 2017 | EncaustiCamp, Uncategorized
The hum of the fan wakes me or so I first guess as I open my eyes but then I see it the view just beyond the cheap metal blinds and narrowing my focus past the tired personality- less walls the water the trees swaying in an early quick breeze the grass green from...
by pbsartist | Jul 23, 2017 | EncaustiCamp, Uncategorized
prayer is your gift to us rather than what you ask of us~ In truth, I much prefer living inside the generous pocket of silence. There is nothing in it which can later turn around and take a bite of my heart After all, we never really know if we are right. Or...
by pbsartist | Oct 27, 2015 | EncaustiCamp
And it is; well! EncaustiCamp 2016 is on! Thanks to 6 instructors, 11 lifers and 18 newbies EncaustiCamp 2016 is on! 35 people have come on to show their support, dedication and enthusiastic ‘looking forward to’ for July 2016 and the beautiful space, place...
by pbsartist | Oct 9, 2015 | EncaustiCamp, pbsartist
Reliving the beginnings of EncaustiCamp with a guest blog post over at StencilGirlTalk . Enjoy! in love. trish
by pbsartist | Sep 28, 2015 | EncaustiCamp, OPENstudio, pbsartist
I’ve been busy this past week. Not in any way you’d image from me: not with the new house or the airbnb. Not with encaustic or EncaustiCamp planning. I’ve been busy in acrylic. Golden acrylic to be precise....
by pbsartist | Sep 18, 2015 | EncaustiCamp, OPENstudio, pbsartist
When artists are asked the somewhat illusory question- or perhaps just asking it of themselves as age and use begin to take their toll- what (function) do you most fear losing, the expected response is eye sight or use of hands. These are our greatest tools of...