503: voices

listen to the wildest voices in your head they tell a story of something so true the battle they’ll win in your listening is one they’ve fought since birth against the outside against the world against the voices that profess otherwise as if they know...

502: clay

human is a shepherd of clay. this said Heidegger I can agree to an extent or an interpretation joy and pleasure as well as pain and sorrow do not belong to us they are formed from the clay that has held so many voices recombined into the being we become this short...

501: what if this

what if this melancholia were supposed to be not a bane an invasion a something to shun and get rid of what if it were here to speak or to simply be in much the same way joy visited in 1992 or wonder in 1990 or shock in ’93 what if melancholy were always simply...

500: thoughts embed in materials

things I am often now aware I am feeling experiencing on the skin level rise to tell stories in the paint at the end of my brush great strokes of truth rise and become where something previously was nothing I have felt this for decades the becoming of soul across the...

499: just not that

I feel something in me I know I’ve a lot left I can turn outside and point my finger waggle my arm at the injustice but I know its just not that sure the world is a whole new place altered in ways I never saw coming certainly never prepared for like others with...