201: inside your eyes

like life there is within this small point time and experience and opportunity for life but for this point inside your eyes a verge of tears like the edge of the damn held back always risking release just enough to take away the pressure or too much and the point of...

200: siphoning

what a word multiplied in its intrigue by association to vital juices as in chase away devious spirits siphoning off vital juices oh today that my mind would relax around the ease with which this were possible

199: illusion

self sabotage dillusion I am reading these today they have come across my visual landscape I’ve not sought them out yet I can let my mind tell me I have by will of finding new ways we are searching- he and I- for forward together we have been holding hands so...

198: human being

whatever the hand can shape the mind can thousandfold we are incapable of restrictions yet restrict every day the fullest capacity to create not create as in the mess that’s been done that is a different story being told not that but the solution no the...

197: piecemeal

All things break All things can be mended Not fixed as if never broken but repaired with intention even if one part is unaware of the calculations sunrise beach north six hours then three more boys 3/4 plus ones X two dogs half not mine he stayed home with her left...