231: grapefruit dishsoap

Grapefruit dish soap saved my vision today there on the sideboard next to the faucet it called out hey I can fix that as I squinted my eyes shifted my head side to side trying to see through my smudged glasses

230: day one

there is no more space in which to say so I try to continue just here it is more shallow does not have the same imagined depth in which I see in my minds eye other people places following along and telling me how I am...

229: leaving the window open

the challenge is complete every day thirty days more because I kept going beyond one over I am leaving the window open they may not be read commented on so generously me amateur thrill satisfaction in seeing the window ajar nonetheless each morning as I gaze at the...

228: caught up

I’ve nearly caught up to myself July 1 tomorrow typing dates for May 1 just two months to go and I will have caught these words on a page up to my heals snapping as they overtake me

227: write

I compose poetry on the pc somehow it does not make my eyes rim red wanting to turn away like the Mac it is saved for recording editing voice playing live Zoom photographs need attention sometimes I will forget minutes go by I sit feeling the red firing up then recall...