by pbsartist | May 18, 2023 | OPENstudio
the yards respendant that’s a pretty great word you’ve got to admit resplendent after the rain just enough though we’d take more to fill their cupped petals spill over to the leaves touch the soil like a forgiving hand upon the head we are all doing...
by pbsartist | May 16, 2023 | OPENstudio
a network of relationships that is the best definition I have read understood to be so much more than a location or a tribe freedom to be the time over the airways as much as the space held for a day I am going to remember this one when I tell myself I am all alone...
by pbsartist | May 14, 2023 | OPENstudio
is there really anything better than a rain not too hard not too soft a drizzle just wouldn’t cut it this time 4am beginning soft a hint hoped for after sixty days of dry grass and thirsty garden beds soaking drenching quenching when rain comes after a time of...
by pbsartist | May 12, 2023 | OPENstudio
It’s quite a word you must admit truly not applicable here or in a minor dose for how many really have faced it down to its extreme the wait I am in holding pattern for 19 days anticipation with tinted edges of dread I use my mantra I get to but for always the...
by pbsartist | May 10, 2023 | OPENstudio
do your best to not start a war the person at the other end of the line just left a crying baby with a sitter agitatedly drove to this job she can not afford to lose to pick up and talk to you as present as she can be do not start a war with a country you are...