by pbsartist | Nov 12, 2024 | OPENstudio
no elephant to tease my soul no wings to tickle my heart no answer to the daily request for miracles this wobbly place I stand enough the laughter bright on face knowing better the need the never ceasing and yet how always fulfilled despite our ridiculous...
by pbsartist | Nov 10, 2024 | OPENstudio
The first hint of a season changing hands the initiation goes unnoticed just another plate at the table but then you look up a little brighter than before you realize the asking for more than lifting the covers the hot water bottle stored away though frost on the bent...
by pbsartist | Nov 8, 2024 | OPENstudio
so rich for nourishment so weak by words others speak so flush with first breath the trust of naivity it is not to cynicism turned this is reality yet in so far as it is so there is another way perhaps my soul says it will come there is another life can I begin...
by pbsartist | Nov 6, 2024 | OPENstudio
quiet at the margins my life has come to this the rush of days the voices of otherings the lessons prescribed to be taught none of these and all of these filtered through the scrim of years now piled full of nourishment said to sustain healing I want it all and none...
by pbsartist | Nov 4, 2024 | OPENstudio
a barometer to her days snuggled into a circle the rains will keep her tidily tight and cozy tomorrow sunshine warm skies she’ll beg and prance to be taken for a walk allowed to lounge against the white reflections warming her fur is this a dog’s life when...