386: to create

it doesn’t stop or start or only lie on the beauty swept across the blank canvas the hemline remains where the caught lose thread unraveled so I start there at the bottom to create beauty comes from the other there alongside communed holding hands across space a...
385: you save two people, your viewer and yourself

385: you save two people, your viewer and yourself

I recall the twisted steel spine the most the tin spaceship-like body the knob at the top not as much energy pumped along this spine hold the knob and push more pump more spin when it was good let go it twisted and spiraled created a blur of color until its inevitable...

384: two lines said it all

so why did I not leave it at that eloquently perched for all eyes to fall upon words skipping one after the other full of rich reward for the heart I did not resist the urge to have my say does this make me selfish a narcissist some would think so but aren’t we...

383: hung there

in the window by the cords I myself twisted into a sturdy hammock speckled nothing quite like it it caught my eye and made me pause at a moment in which pausing was chaos grateful vitiligo in a plant so beautiful human’s eyes can learn to see...

382: the pain

the mournful draw of the bow across the strings did I choose it or did it choose me this morning of mourning why do we fathers and mothers parents become when the ache as they move on is more than one should bear this is...