old can be new again

it touched me with a purpose

paint those lines that color field this form those faces

tell the story you do not even know you have to tell

in color in heat in malleability

take this substance that becomes a landscape flower hand soil rock sea

an abstract field

a wonder unexplored

tell the tale that only you can tell

I didn’t know that was what it was when I began

it took me and turned me

something came I didn’t know I wanted


it forced a life upon me which put my feet in places I only yearned for

thinking life was a yearning

(realizing now of course it is a living)

this was the greatest surprise met only by the lost memory of crying that first breath into the bright lights of this world

I no longer walk this waxen path except when a small giggle wanes and worms it’s way on a breeze

to the palette I then there go letting myself hear that cry again so here then again I take up the sweep of the brush fresh as if before the whole world opened and allowed me in

for just that one spectacular ride

old can be new again