though I never called her that the austere version used in referential third person



momma when I call sometimes now she is so old

princess queen courtly

attention once sought found now in obligation

twisting life to fit her neediness crowned in relational pride

while all the while appearing self reliant capable empowered

with her femininity nothing divine in that

she made herself helpless gaging on this choice commanding attention that now can not be freely given

seeing as how she’s folded in half lost her mind whisked herself away from the place she worked so hard to appear to live

she found a way to force life to give her what she wanted so she would not have to change then

brittley bent incapable of flex balance skewed to other feminine whiles lost

in the attempt to control happiness

the two of us girls left to care as long as we can stand keep ourselves erect on this glance at the life taken on the heels of attention sought fight our own battles swords in the hands of ourselves knighted