yesterday I went

into my town showered

dressed found my sunglasses grabbed a book

determined to be other than here

stifled by the place I

love so much

it can become too much to be in one space too long even if a rather large space all told thank you very much

I’ve stopped telling myself off for this wanting away

Alone, air conditioning cooling compoct suv

stopping for burger and a flight


book on table 5oz array disappearing smoothly

down to the last bite of burger

slaw I get back into RAV

head west not north


nothing else air blowing the tightened debris from my brain

into the farms

the horses

the bluegrass acres

brown like my own but somehow more beautiful horse-speckled

ice cream

Crank and Boom

gift slip year old

making my choice



time comes I am alright

book opens this time

kneed couch

cool room

just me

today I awake rain

enough to matter


enough to keep windows open

oriole on sunflower

enough to see beyond me


enough to be grateful

and so I have learned again

to go out is a good thing when clogged mental arteries make me cranky

especially if it includes ice cream
