just now 3/4 full taking a side glance every now and then awaiting the filling

or so it seemed


because somehow the moon is he

said how long do you think I’ve been here watching the world go ’round the sun

seeing the faces change like the weather years

no more

centuries and still you keep coming

eyes turned skyward expecting something in me to


or change you

listen now to my voice

you change every moment

beyond breath even

change is not what you seek

to return most often is what you are truly after

while it appears I come back to the same place over and over like the rhythm of seasons there on your earth

there is never a returning even for me

this is a lesson if you can hear it all it takes is gazing long enough into one clear light

keeping the glance in its direction as you go on

knowing it always fulfills

not change and not return

something more like all the parts pulled back together


a sigh and step the requirement of
